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Ce treaba are asta cu Structured PvP ?

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"Hot join" games are the casual side of structured PvP. By nature, fighting other players is never going to be as casual as fighting PvE monsters, but this is a place to experiment with builds, learn the maps, and try out a PvP game against other players. Hot join PvP can be played from 1v1 all the way up to 10v10.
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In Keg Brawl, two teams attempt to score points by toting a full keg of ale across an icy lake and turning it in to the Ale Collector that belongs to their team. Participants are free to tackle, pummel, kick, and otherwise rough up competing players in order to seize control of the keg.
si asta
Structured PvP is a Player versus Player mode which allows competition on an even footing. There are two primary modes of play; tournament and hot join play.
Referinte: GW2 website, A-Net Blog si GW2 wiki.