Collectors Edition și Pre-Purchase

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Collectors Edition și Pre-Purchase

Mesajde Tze » 13 Mar 2012, 17:04

Players who pre-purchase any edition will have guaranteed entry into all beta weekend events, three-day headstart access to the final game, and Hero's Band in-game item.

De asemenea, acolo se află și minimum system requirements.
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Re: Collectors Edition și Pre-Purchase

Mesajde movi » 13 Mar 2012, 17:33

oare se merita cei aproximativ 500 RON pt collector's edition ? ca tot ce primesti pare destul de misto
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Re: Collectors Edition și Pre-Purchase

Mesajde Wicked » 13 Mar 2012, 17:40

Din ce am vazut, nu cred ca va exista versiune retail. Cu CE raman falit, eu zic pas :)
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Re: Collectors Edition și Pre-Purchase

Mesajde Phinto » 13 Mar 2012, 18:11

Well, doar CE o sa coste 5 mil, restul probabil pana in 3, sa speram. Azi am gasit si primul lucru care nu-mi place la GW2: *Due to potential changes, system requirements may change over time, and you may be required to upgrade your current system to continue to play the game. O sa astept feedback-ul celor de pe forum intai, pe 10 urmeaza DIGITAL EDITION si DIGITAL DELUXE.

Pretul pentru Digital Edition o sa fie de 60, Digital Deluxe 79 si din cate am inteles de pe gw2guru toate cele 3 pre-purchase-uri iti vor garanta:
- Access to all Guild Wars 2 Beta Weekend Events
- Three days of headstart access
- Hero’s Band
Ultima oară modificat de Phinto pe 13 Mar 2012, 18:42, modificat 1 dată în total.
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Re: Collectors Edition și Pre-Purchase

Mesajde antiquee01 » 13 Mar 2012, 18:37

Am inteles ca pe data de 10 Aprilie se vor face pre-purchaseuri, si acuma intrebarea, va fi valabil si in Romania pe aceeasi data??
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Re: Collectors Edition și Pre-Purchase

Mesajde Cosmo » 13 Mar 2012, 18:50

Wicked scrie:
Din ce am vazut, nu cred ca va exista versiune retail. Cu CE raman falit, eu zic pas :)

Nu o sa avem nici o alta versiune retail boxed in afara de collector's? >.>
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Re: Collectors Edition și Pre-Purchase

Mesajde dem0 » 13 Mar 2012, 19:43

- 10-inch figurine of Rytlock
- 112 page Making of Guild Wars 2 book
- Custom Art Frame
- Art Portfolio and Five Art Prints
- Best of Guild Wars 2 Soundtrack CD

Nu stiu daca physical edition si chestiile acestea merita inca 75 de euro.
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Re: Collectors Edition și Pre-Purchase

Mesajde Catalin » 13 Mar 2012, 21:05

Foarte interesant iar optiunile care ni le ofera sunt foarte incitante, dar eu as zice "NU" pentru ca pretul e mare $150 ( $1=3.2 lei).
Faptul ca intru in toate betaurile si ca ash avea ocazia sa ma joc inaintea multora nu ma incalzeste cu nimik si ce sa fac cu nise poze artistice si 10 figurne Char ? Poate sa am ce sterge de praf :)), mai bine stau frumushel si astept asha cum am asteptat, destul de mult de la anuntul jocului, nu credeti ca mai puteti rezista decat sa dati 500 RON?
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Re: Collectors Edition și Pre-Purchase

Mesajde Catalin » 13 Mar 2012, 21:09

Am uitat, un lucru singur e super misto Cartea facuta de ei cu toate informatile fata de joc si cu interviuri dar cred ca dupa maxi o saptamana cineva care o cumara tot o scaneaza si o baga pe net:P
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Re: Collectors Edition și Pre-Purchase

Mesajde Phinto » 13 Mar 2012, 21:35

Toate editiile iti ofera posibilitatea de a participa in Beta si poti sa incepi cu 3 zile inainte. Cea mai ieftin este 2 mil, eu zic ca e ok.
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Re: Collectors Edition și Pre-Purchase

Mesajde Ronah » 14 Mar 2012, 04:41

Sa analizam ce contine CE facand comparatie cu preturile din Diverta pentru produse similare:

1) 10-inch figurine of Rytlock adica o figurina de ~25 cm inaltine. O figurina de calitate asemanatoare in Diverta costa 30 RON si nu are decat vreo 5 cm inaltime, asa ca figurina din GW2 CE ar trebui sa coiste de 5 ori mai mult =150 RON

2) 112 page Making of Guild Wars 2 book, orice carte de copii cu poze sau chair revista gen PS3 magazine costa 50 RON cel putin. Deci pretul cartii GW2 il putem aprecia la 50 RON

3) Custom Art Frame adica o rama foto care se gaseste incepand de la 10-20 RON in sus. Hai sa spuenm ca rama GW2 costa 15 RON

4) Best of Guild Wars 2 Soundtrack CD, un CD original cu muzica costa aproximativ 25 RON daca este romanesc iar daca este strain vreo 40 RON sau chiar mai mult. Sa spumen ca GW2 music CD costa 40 RON

5) Art Portfolio and Five Art Prints, ce sa sunem ca sunt? niste carti postale sau felicitari. Hai sa nu ne aruncam la lucruri prea scumpe si sa spunem ca toate la un loc costa cam 15 RON ( adica 3 RON bucata)

Deci, daca adunam preturile de mai sus, obtinem: 150 + 50 + 15 + 40 + 15 = 270 RON

Daca punem la socoteala ca o caseta metalica de bijuterii ( adica foarte mica) costa si ea vrea 40 RON, atunci cutia metalica de la GW2 CE ar trebui sa coste cel putin 70 RON
Astfel obrinem un pret de 340 RON cel putin
Deci, 500 RON - 340 RON = 160 RON adica pretul unui joc PC online standard (vezi AION, FFXIII, RIFT)

Concluzie: Pretul GW2 CE nu este prea mare pentru ceea ce contine.

Cineva care ar fi aflat de aparitia jocului abia acum 2 ani si ar fi economisit 20 RON pe luna ar fi reusit sa stranga banii necesari DACA si-ar fi dorit cu adevarat.
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Re: Collectors Edition și Pre-Purchase

Mesajde Tudy » 14 Mar 2012, 09:33

Regina Buenaobra a lămurit câteva din aspectele legate de pre-order/pre-purchase pe GW2Guru: ... &p=1212248

We will update the FAQ on the official Guild Wars 2 website soon. Here are the questions and answers we will include:

What do I get with a Pre-Purchase of the game?
Customers who pre-purchase the game in full will enjoy guaranteed access to our Beta Weekend Events, three-day Headstart Access to the final game, and five digital items designed to enhance your gameplay experience.

What if I don’t want to pay in full in advance?
In addition to Pre-Purchase, a number of our retail partners are offering a Pre-Order program. Customers who pre-order will receive one-day Headstart Access to the final game.

When do Beta Weekend Events (BWEs) start, and how many will there be?
The first BWE is currently planned for late April, and we expect to have one every month or so. The schedule is subject to change and will be confirmed at a later date. Currently, we do not know how many of these events we will have.

Is Pre-Purchase the only way to get into Guild Wars 2 Beta Weekend Events?
Pre-Purchase is the only guaranteed way to get into all Beta Weekend Events. We will also be running promotions for access to individual Beta Weekend Events.

I already signed up for the Guild Wars 2 Beta. Do I need to Pre-Purchase?
If you want to get guaranteed access to all Beta Weekend Events, yes, you must Pre-Purchase. Simply signing up for the Beta does not guarantee access to the Beta Weekend Events.

Which products are available for Pre-Purchase?
Customers will be able to Pre-Purchase the Guild Wars 2 Digital Edition and the Guild Wars 2 Digital Deluxe Edition directly from NCsoft. In addition to the digital products, certain retailers will also be offering physical Pre-Purchase of the Guild Wars 2 Standard Edition and the Guild Wars 2 Collector's Edition.

How does physical Pre-Purchase work?
Physical Pre-Purchase for Guild Wars 2 is only available at select retailers. The details of how this will work will differ slightly depending on which edition customers purchase and where they purchase it.

  • Standard Edition (North America) — Customers will buy the Standard Edition Pre-Purchase box and receive a Pre-Purchase serial code. They will then go to and follow the on-screen instructions to create a Guild Wars 2 account and apply the serial code, which will give them access to Beta Weekend Events and three-day Headstart access to the final game. When Guild Wars 2 launches, customers will need to return to the retailer with proof of purchase to receive the full Standard Edition box and retail serial code. They will need to apply this retail serial code to their Guild Wars 2 account within five days to continue playing without interruption.
  • Standard Edition (Europe) — Customers will buy the Standard Edition Pre-Purchase box and receive their serial code. This is the only serial code customers will receive and will grant access to the Beta Weekend Events, three-day Headstart Access, the Hero's Band digital item, and full access to the final live game. Customers will not need to return to retail to receive another serial code.
  • Collector's Edition (North America and Europe) — Customers will buy the Collector's Edition Pre-Purchase box and receive a Pre-Purchase serial code. They will then go to and follow the on-screen instructions to create a Guild Wars account and apply the serial code, which will give them access to Beta Weekend Events and three-day Headstart Access to the final game. When Guild Wars 2 launches, customers will need to return to their retailer with proof of purchase to receive the full Collector's Edition box with physical items and retail serial code. They will need to apply this retail serial code to their Guild Wars 2 account within five days to continue playing without interruption.

We will continue to monitor common questions and answers from all of our communities, and if appropriate, update the FAQ at a later date.
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Re: Collectors Edition și Pre-Purchase

Mesajde Cosmo » 14 Mar 2012, 12:49

Deci exista Standard fizic, dar mai exact de la ce 'select retailers'. O lista undeva?
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Re: Collectors Edition și Pre-Purchase

Mesajde Tudy » 14 Mar 2012, 13:16

Cosmo scrie:
Deci exista Standard fizic, dar mai exact de la ce 'select retailers'. O lista undeva?

Deocamdată nu a apărut nici o listă. Presupun că o vom avea pe măsură ce ne apropiem de 10 aprilie.
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Re: Collectors Edition și Pre-Purchase

Mesajde NiceSorin » 14 Mar 2012, 14:48

150 $ pentru Collector's Edition (am primit mail de la gamespot)
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Re: Collectors Edition și Pre-Purchase

Mesajde Cronos » 14 Mar 2012, 15:57

Pentru un collectors edition pretul e rezonabil zic eu. Cam asa a fost mereu, poate a depasit putin asteptarile noastre ( noi parca ziceam 100 euro) dar in fine, ideea e ca are cam acelasi pachet pe care il ofera orice CE. Daca era ceva Blizzard, lumea ar fi motivat ca si 1000 Ron e cheap deal. Poate nu suntem noi obisnuiti cu ideea ca acuma GW o sa coste mai mult :) Partea buna e ca primesti early access si cu pachetul standard, asa ca in cazul meu, in care vrea doar jocul, si nu un raft de carti si cduri pe care oricum nu o sa le folosesc , it's still a good thing.
Eu mai mult ma intreb cum o sa fie acel early acces, ca daca o sa fie crashuri si lag cum e cam la orice lansare MMO, nu te incanta cu nimic situatia. (Ma gandesc ca majoritatea in ziua de azi fac pre purchase la jocurile pe care le urmaresc de ceva timp, si din mom ce s-a depasit milionul la beta signup, o sa fie ceva pre purchasuri)
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Re: Collectors Edition și Pre-Purchase

Mesajde movi » 14 Mar 2012, 17:23

eu daca dau preorder in nici un caz nu vreau digital...
deci inca ma gandesc daca astept sa apara jocu' sau iau CE...
hard choice ca daca iau CE dupa trebe sa ma apuc sa strang bani din nou pt cand apare diablo III si expansionu' de la starcraft 2 ca o sa raman falit
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Re: Collectors Edition și Pre-Purchase

Mesajde Stalker » 14 Mar 2012, 18:55

Mie chiar imi place ca au si un digital deluxe edition in care primesti toate in-game itemurile ca si in CE. Majoritatea jocurilor le iau de pe Steam sau digital oricum deci pentru mine e perfect.
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Re: Collectors Edition și Pre-Purchase

Mesajde Tudy » 14 Mar 2012, 19:22

Ar trebui menționat că în Europa prețul pentru CE nu va fi 150$, ci 150€, conform EuroGamer: ... e-editions

The Collector's Edition costs a massive £130/€150. For that, you get a 25cm statue of Charr warrior Rytlock Brimstone resplendent with flaming sword. Look at the picture - it's nice.
Alongside that, five Guild Wars 2 art prints and a frame to put them in; a 112-page Making Of Guild Wars 2 hardcover art book and a Best Of Guild Wars 2 Soundtrack CD.
The Collector's Edition and Digital Deluxe Edition also offer five in-game items: Golem Banker, Chalice of Glory, Tome of Influence, Miniature Rytlock and Summon Mistfire Wolf Elite Skill.

The Digital Deluxe Edition costs £65/€75.

The Standard Edition costs £50/€55.
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Re: Collectors Edition și Pre-Purchase

Mesajde Stalker » 14 Mar 2012, 19:26

Preturile chiar sunt rezonabile adica asta e un MMO fara monthly subscription fee gotta show em' some love :!:
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