Daca mai ai ceva rabdare, o sa ajung si eu inferno
Momentan sunt Act III Hell, cu ceva bani pusi deoparte pentru un gear mai bunicel odata ce dau de 60 (57 atm). So far am 41k hp, ulterior am dat de postul asta si am zis sa fac niste restructurari odata ce ating inferno
Take your max HP and divide it by 35. Subtract 315 from that result.
The number you get is what your resist stat should be relative to your current max HP.
Take that "ideal resist" stat and multiply it by 10. That is what your armor should be relative to your current HP.
And lastly, make sure you have at least 100 dex.
Here is an exampe for someone who has current max HP of 30,000;
30,000/35 = 857.1 857.1 - 315 = 542.1
So you should have 542 resist all.
542x10 = 5420 so you should have 5420 armor.
If you make sure your stats follow this ratio you will be getting the ideal amount of EHP (effective HP, the amount of raw damage you can take before dying).
If you had 30k HP and you had say 2400 armor and 200 resist all, this formula would basically tell you that you should aim to increase your resistance and armor before getting more HP.
Din pacate e full season la examene si nu dispun de timpul necesar sa grabesc procesul : )
Pune bani deoparte si cumpara de la AH armuri ale naibii de scumpe, pentru ca daca e un lucru pe care l-am observat in D3, totul e de stats. Ma zbat ca pestele pe uscat sa bat un biet albastru pe hell, trec la AH si iau o arma cu un DPS mai mare cu 30 fata de arma trecuta, zbang trec ca prin unt in aia. Nu e nici un echilibru in jocul asta : )) Ca sa nu mai zic ca la 2 man party scale upul face viata si mai grea pentru tank
Daca mai ai ceva rabdare, o sa ajung si eu inferno :) Momentan sunt Act III Hell, cu ceva bani pusi deoparte pentru un gear mai bunicel odata ce dau de 60 (57 atm). So far am 41k hp, ulterior am dat de postul asta si am zis sa fac niste restructurari odata ce ating inferno
Take your max HP and divide it by 35. Subtract 315 from that result.
The number you get is what your resist stat should be relative to your current max HP.
Take that "ideal resist" stat and multiply it by 10. That is what your armor should be relative to your current HP.
And lastly, make sure you have at least 100 dex.
Here is an exampe for someone who has current max HP of 30,000;
30,000/35 = 857.1 857.1 - 315 = 542.1
So you should have 542 resist all.
542x10 = 5420 so you should have 5420 armor.
If you make sure your stats follow this ratio you will be getting the ideal amount of EHP (effective HP, the amount of raw damage you can take before dying).
If you had 30k HP and you had say 2400 armor and 200 resist all, this formula would basically tell you that you should aim to increase your resistance and armor before getting more HP.
Din pacate e full season la examene si nu dispun de timpul necesar sa grabesc procesul : )
Pune bani deoparte si cumpara de la AH armuri ale naibii de scumpe, pentru ca daca e un lucru pe care l-am observat in D3, totul e de stats. Ma zbat ca pestele pe uscat sa bat un biet albastru pe hell, trec la AH si iau o arma cu un DPS mai mare cu 30 fata de arma trecuta, zbang trec ca prin unt in aia. Nu e nici un echilibru in jocul asta : )) Ca sa nu mai zic ca la 2 man party scale upul face viata si mai grea pentru tank